Tuesday 5 August 2014

My Observations: Results

Reading over my observations I noticed that some of the details that I focused on the most were in relation to the movements and mannerism of the person. For example I would note which hand they were using, how they would move to another place or how they interacted non-verbally with others. As I had video recorded parts of the observations I found that it was much easier to go back to these and pick out aspects that had been missed, in particular the dialogue. MacNaughton and Williams (2009) explain that when children’s learning is videotaped it can offer a rich source of information, particularly about the children’s interactions and language.  My observations in particular with the older child benefited greatly from this as I found that she spoke a lot during the observation. The videotaping helped as I was able to re-watch the video to find out her thoughts on her homework and making a house out of paper.

Source: https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEjU9cNWo2jdBtph0pOh7X_yuTWoZ5I77cYtwyW7Neo2MRHtGgCe0HK4W5vrZhgTvJGatlZvH5fwrsJyQUin9JLnl9J9GuIJXiu_qTF073PJxNaRNTXZ0J3MdF2d7t8KzT9EVlu1-KlQ6s8/s200/graphs_clip_art_12213.jpg

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